Strong writing is a core competency of any good education program. The student who learns to write well has developed a critical life skill——the ability to communicate ideas clearly, concisely, and convincingly using the written word. Susan Wise Bauer notes in The Well-Trained Mind that prioritizing writing and grammar in a curriculum helps students excel not only in writing but in many areas of study, whereas a “child who has difficulty reading and writing will struggle with every subject.”
Composition Assistance (CA) is designed to help students improve their writing skills. Instruction focuses on key elements of composition including thesis development, argumentation, evidence, flow, grammar, and syntax. These building blocks form the foundation of strong writing. The instructor also provides ideas about the art of writing, showing the student how to focus his thoughts, tighten his presentation, and bring his written work to life with attention-grabbing titles, compelling word choices, and memorable endings. These ideas are introduced and reinforced throughout the year, helping the student gradually build a store of writing tips that will serve as a reference for life.
CA is for students enrolled in QHA’s English or history courses, which require students to write bimonthly essays. CA supplements these courses by providing one-on-one instruction on each writing assignment. Starting about a month prior to the essay due date, the student prepares and submits a series of drafts to the CA instructor for review, up to four total following a structured schedule:
Week 1: the student brainstorms the essay topic and creates a structured outline.
Week 2: the student writes a first draft of the essay, focusing on a sound thesis statement and 3-4 body paragraphs led by strong topic sentences.
Week 3: the student continues to refine the body of the essay as well as the introduction, conclusion, and “Works Cited” section.
Week 4: the student polishes the essay for one last examination by the CA instructor.
The CA instructor reviews each submission and provides feedback to the student in the form of written comments and edits that guide him to strengthen the essay. The teacher responds to the student within 48 hours (excluding weekends and holidays) using the QHA course management system.
CA is appropriate for high school students of all ages and skill levels. The course is designed to make poor writers good … and good writers great. Students at all levels of writing will benefit from the course, and many students enroll for several consecutive years.
Prerequisites: None
Required Texts: None mandated, but the course does have optional enhancement lessons that use two workbooks ($48). These lessons consist of weekly reading and exercises that teach grammar, self-editing, and other concepts of good writing. They take the student about an hour per week to complete and are a highly recommended supplement to the CA course.